You can register to become a new member here using a credit card or PayPal. If you prefer to join or renew via printed form, you can download the form here. If you have questions or problems, please call the Executive Secretary at (307) 587-6397 or Email
There are different options for Membership in The International Cessna® 170 Association – one or three-year memberships and for non-U.S. members, whether to get publications electronically or by mail. If you live outside the U.S. and choose to have publications mailed to you, you must choose the $65 non-U.S. membership.
You can make a single payment for your membership and renew each year manually, or if you choose the “Recurring Payment” option, our system will automatically charge your credit card on your renewal date each year.
Please note that memberships are non-transferable, and membership fees are non-refundable.
Has Your Membership Expired?
You likely still have an account on our website, so please log in using either your email or your username. Then go to the subscriptions page to rejoin. Memberships renewed within 30 days after the expiration of the current membership year will be adjusted to one year from the original expiration date.
Current Members to Renew:
Please log into your account so that you do not have to re-enter all of your information. If you need to make any changes, you can do so on that account page. Review your information and then go to the subscriptions page to renew. Memberships renewed within 30 days after the expiration of the current membership year will be adjusted to one year from the original expiration date.
Association Forum
To take full advantage of your membership, if you are not already a member of the Association’s Forum, where information is exchanged, you can register here. The Association’s Forum is a treasure trove of information and experts to help with all things 170. If you are not registered to use it yet, you can do it here. Please use the same username and password to set up your forum account as you used to set up your membership account. Doing so will avoid confusion as you will only need one username and password for either account.