A $1,500 (U.S. Funds) Scholarship is offered yearly to a deserving individual pursuing a career in an aviation-related field.
- The applicant does not have to be a member of The International Cessna® 170 Association or related to a member.
- The applicant must be a high school graduate or graduating the year they are applying for the scholarship and be enrolled in or graduated from an education institution with an aviation-related program.
- The applicant can be a part-time or full-time student.
- Previous scholarship winners may apply in the following years, but a new application must be submitted.
- All applications will be considered on an equal basis.
- Applications must be postmarked by April 30th each year or received by email by midnight on April 30th.
- The scholarship award will be paid directly to the educational institution in U.S. dollars.
Download and complete the TIC170A Scholarship Application. (Please note that this file opens in a new window on your browser.)
- Mail to: The International Cessna 170 Association, 22 Vista View Ln, Cody, WY 82414-9606, OR
- Email to headquarters@cessna170.org – Include all documents as one file.
Do NOT both mail and email your application. - All applications and supporting documents must be received together (except if the school requires the transcript to be sent separately).
Share this poster about the scholarship opportunity.
Share your love of aviation. Give to TIC170A’s Scholarship Fund.
- Are you awarding the scholarships this year? Yes, it is an annual scholarship.
- When can I send my application? After January 1st each year.
- When is the application due? Each year, by midnight Eastern time on April 30th, by email or postmarked by April 30th.
- Does full or part-time student mean only at a flight school? No, any school with an aviation-related program.
- I am in high school; can I still apply? Yes, but you must have graduated to receive the scholarship.
- I’m in college in a non-aviation program but also enrolled in a flight school. Do I qualify for the scholarship? Yes.
- Does enrolling in a military program to become a pilot qualify for the scholarship? Yes, any aviation-related program qualifies, as long as the government does not already pay for the aviation program.
- Do international students studying in the U.S. qualify for the scholarship? Yes.
- Do international students studying in non-U.S. aviation-related programs qualify for the scholarship? Yes, but the scholarship will be paid in U.S. funds.
- Are there any age restrictions on the scholarship? No.
- Should references be submitted separately from the application? No, all information and documents should be provided at the same time.
- When is the winner/winners announced? Approximately six weeks after the application deadline of April 30th.
Do you still have questions? Send an email to headquarters.