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Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:35 pm
by LouLaSalle
Does anyone know how I can get hold of a copy of the software of a Cessna 170, once sold by Alpha Sim?

I am recuperating from hand surgery, and I am flying my PC rather than our 170 B, at least until my hands are pronounced fit by my Doctor, and the snow receeds from in front of our hangar door.

I am ready to beg, borrow, or steal this software........

Best regards,

Lou La Salle #5844

N 2485D Perkasie, PA

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:17 pm
by GAHorn
LouLaSalle wrote:...
I am ready to beg, borrow, or steal this software........

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:23 pm
by 1SeventyZ
I have a good X-Plane 170B that I believe was modeled after a member's plane. It is not compatible with MS Flight Simulator though, you must have X-Plane.

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:10 am
by rsharp
Could you post the X-Plane model?

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:09 am
by PaddyM
This is an old post, but I can't find a follow up.
Is there such a sim out there--I have sent an e mail to X-Plane and they replied they have a 172 sim.
No thanks.

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:13 pm
by SophisticatedMoron

I wish I could fly a real plane, but I cannot afford it... :cry: So I fly a bedroom desktop. I use FlightGear (, on a decent PC and a "control kit" including a yoke, rudder pedals and trottle/mixture levers (from Saitek). Flightgear is an open source flight simulator project. The simulator runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. It's depicted more like a flight simulator than a game. While some flight simulators are near a "game" with all kind of real effects disabled by default, FlightGear by default simulates as accurately as possible the real forces/actions/reactions occurring in a real plane. I personally ended up in the wood on the left side of the runway on my first attempt do takeoff. :D (But now, I know why).

If you download and install the software, the default setup is a small airport on the US west coast, with a cessna 172 on a clear day. But you can set nasty weather, download many other aircraft types, flying scenery and airports from all around the world.

I suggest that you give it a try, it's public license so it's free.

Re: Cessna 170 software for flight simulator

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:53 pm
by jjacbastien
Hi there,

You can get the FS2004 ALPHA C170B (A 1952) either at or the two best free sites
There is also a C170a for fs2002 on same sites.