Adding a Saved PM (or additional) Folder to your PM system

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Bruce Fenstermacher
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Adding a Saved PM (or additional) Folder to your PM system

Post by Bruce Fenstermacher »

I assume if your looking at this you already know how to get to the Personal Message (PM) area of the forum software by clicking on User Control Panel in the light blue bar, left towards the top of the Board Index page. Here is what you will see.
Capture 1.JPG
The standard PM folders are Inbox, Outbox and Sent Messages. These folders can not be deleted, duplicated or their behaviour changed. But you can add as many new folders as you would like, each capable of holding 10 messages and each having a different behavior when full.

To do this click on Rules, folders and settings and this is what you will see.
Capture 2.JPG
This is a multi purpose window. From here we can add a rule to an existing folder or add a new folder or change the behavior of any folder other than the standard folders, that we already added. We are interested in Add a Folder.

Enter a name such as Saved PMs in the blank and click add.
This will create the folder and the multi purpose window will change allow more options.
Capture 3.JPG
At this point you might want to change the default behavior of the folder you just created. To do this click on the folder you want to change then click Rules, folders and settings, and the window will switch to the multi purpose window for that folder.
Looking at If the Folder is full and decide if you want to change the selected behavior. Moving it to the Inbox does not make sense if this is your over flow box so the only logical change might be to simply not accept new messages when full. Click Change after you select any change to make the change.

I do not believe there is a limit to how many extra folders you can create but there might be. So in theory you could create say 3 folders and set each one to overflow into the next thus saving 30 messages.
CAUTION - My forum posts may be worth what you paid for them!

Bruce Fenstermacher, Past President, TIC170A
Email: brucefenster at
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